BBC Annual Presidents’ Day Ride Report: February 21, 2022

By Brett Nelson

The Benicia Bicycle Club has a long history of riding to Winters on Presidents’ Day, and this year we returned to that tradition. This is a route that was developed by Jerry Wickham, who now lives in Walla Walla, Washington.

The “A” group met at the Valley Café in Fairfield around 9 am to prepare and chat before the ride. It was a chilly morning and there were reports that we could encounter strong gale force winds in the afternoon.

We started up Suisun Valley Road, through Mankas Corner, eventually passing by Hilborn Occupational Center, where the B group had started at 9 am. We didn’t see them at that time, as they had an hour head-start on us to that location. We continued through the fields of northern Fairfield/Vacaville, on Pleasants Valley Road and eventually Putah Creek road to arrive in downtown Winters, stopping at Steady Eddie’s Café. This café caters to cyclists with large A-frame bike racks in front which neatly and securely hang your bicycle by the seat.

The B Group had arrived just a few minutes before us, and we all had lunch there in the open-air seating in front of and alongside the restaurant. It was a good time of fellowship and both groups seemed to enjoy their rides to the café.

On the way back, we paralleled Highway 505 for a while before eventually joining the original route back through the orchards and fields of northern Fairfield, to the Valley Café finish.

The A ride was about 58 miles long round-trip, with 1700 feet of climbing, while the B route was about 36 miles round-trip, with 1500 feet of climbing. We were delighted that the forecasted gale strength winds never did arrive, though there was some typical mild afternoon breeze, and the ride back was uneventful. Hope you can meet us again next year!